Ground Rules
We came up with these rules to ensure it works for everyone. All posts are vetted by us.
- It’s free to post, free to respond.
- You’ll receive no more than one email a day, twice a week.
- Responses are not moderated so if you get an inappropriate or hostile response, let us know.
- Make sure your responses to posts are appropriate and/or on target. No spamming. Period.
- If you need to post anonymously, let us know. We’ll post for you and forward responses to you.
- If anyone responds to your post inappropriately, let us know. YOUR FEEDBACK IS IMPORTANT.
- No harvesting email addresses for evil purposes or for sale to third party vendors.
- You ARE allowed to forward post to friends who may be helpful. You are NOT permitted to post queries anywhere on the web.
- Feel free to refer qualified friends and associates to join.
- If there’s any point or points I’ve forgotten, email me.
- Always play nice, which sometimes includes sharing your toys – or knowledge – with other.
We’re here to help, trust, and support each other. As such you may want to make sure you follow the above rules. Any violations may result in your expulsion from the list. You will receive one (1) warning first.