Holiday List for Founders: The Laws that Drive Success in Technology

Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday season and while tech never rests, those people on the money side of the table, be they potential investors, partners, or clients, do tend to slow down/take longer to make a decision or even take meetings.
As we well know, there’s little rest for the startup side of the equation, but here’s some not-necessarily-light holiday reading, the list courtesy of CBInsights, who asks, “What separates success from failure? These 11 laws contain some of the most influential ideas that the biggest tech companies use to run their operations, design business models, and build products.
Some, like Moore’s Law, have been extremely prescient. Others, like Conway’s Law, provide counterintuitive insights — such as why Microsoft sells Xbox consoles at a loss, or how Facebook became one of the most valuable companies in the world by offering a free service.”