The Three E’s of Entrepreneurship

We’ve said it before and given what’s going on with the forensics that DOGE is performing at the speed of tech, it bears repeating: investor money is not a founder piggy bank, meaning, use the funds as if it’s your hard-earned cash. There’s not necessarily an unlimited supply of it, and the waiter always comes around with the check.
For those of you attempting to sort out how much to raise, here’s Y-Combinator’s Guide to How Much to Raise. As the author points out, “Raising too little can put you in survival mode—slowing down progress, increasing stress, and forcing you to fundraise again sooner than expected. On the flip side, raising too much too early can lead to unnecessary dilution and misaligned expectations. The ideal amount? Enough to reach profitability if possible.”
Which leads us to the three Es, once you’ve secured funding:
Execute, Execute, Execute.