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Month: February 2012



Good morning, All,

First, happy Leap Year Day (tomorrow), which is also Sadie Hawkins Day, and it’s just a couple of weeks until our next SOS+ER+Hubitat breakfast March 15 at Hubitat on 26th Street. It’s March 15th, 8.30 am – 10. $20 with an RSVP or $25 at the door, and hope to see you there! To RSVP:

As many of you know, we are a compulsive networker. It’s part of our job. We meet a lot of you at the various functions we attend, and a number of you have asked us for introductions to people who could potentially help you to move the needle forward. And we’re happy to do so, when appropriate. But we’ve noticed that some of you never follow up with us, so guess what the subject is this week? Right: Read More...



Good morning, All, and for today, a Missive to Social Media Week:

First, yes, we are planning our next SOS+ER+Hubitat breakfast March 15 at Hubitat on 26th Street – we love the breakfasts: they give you a chance to really get to know each other, and offer help/advice one-on-one. The larger networking events have their place, too, don’t get us wrong, but nothing wrong with having something for everyone. It’s March 15th, 8.30 am – 10. $20 with an RSVP or $25 at the door. To RSVP: And now…

Dear Social Media Week organizers,



Good morning, All, and happy Valentine’s Day!

It’s Social Media Week and SOS, ER and Hubitat are hosting a Startup Breakfast on Thursday, February 16th.  $15 includes breakfast, and be prepared to tell us what you need, what you’re doing, or how you can help! It’ll be at Hubitat – and many of you have been curious to see the offices, so come! 31 West 26th Street. RSVP here, and it’s $20 at the door: Join us – a good healthy breakfast is a great way to start your day!

If yoIu believe that reinventing the wheel is a waste of time, you are sadly misinformed, unless you can somehow convince us that the guy who invented the very first one somehow managed to chisel a steel belted radial out of solid rock. Privacy is going the way of the dinosaur, thanks to Big Data – and so has trying to get meaningful search results using google. It has gotten so bad, we personally now google someone on linkedin – and we’re sure that there is at least one or two of you out there who does the same, and GOOG, thanks for the verb. This is not a diatribe: this is a cautionary tale: Read More...



Good morning, All,

First, next week is Social Media Week and SOS, ER and Hubitat are hosting a Startup Breakfast on Thursday, February 16th. Hopefully, some of you will be in from out of town, so join us and introduce yourselves. $15 includes breakfast, and be prepared to tell us what you need, what you’re doing, or how you can help! It’ll be at Hubitat – and many of you have been curious to see the offices, so come! 31 West 26th Street. RSVP here, and it’s $20 at the door: And our thanks to everyone who attended our Find A Cofounder last night. Great event and we will schedule another one soon, not to worry!

There certainly have been more IPO’s of late than we’ve seen in recent years. Facebook’s has been a long time coming, but forest through the trees: the company’s S-1 filing was announced almost in the same breath as director James Cameron’s leaving the US and moving to a farm in New Zealand (ok, he’ll be filming Avatar 2 as well), and it gives one pause: he’s not the only one percenter whose leaving (Cameron Feeling America To Escape Collapse? As the article says, growing concern that economic stagnation could lead to widespread civil unrest, allied to crippling tax hikes, is causing many members of the super-rich to abandon the US – or purchase land in more remote areas – and in record numbers, in pursuit of more stable countries with friendlier financial conditions for those with wealth. Hmmm. Read More...