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Month: December 2011



Good morning, All,

First, our next SOS+EW+ ER ROOTT breakfast is January 10th, just for the record, and we do limit the number of attendees, so do sign up early. $25 includes breakfast and it’s $30 at the door. To RSVP:

The internet is creating a star factor in our sector and fine, when it’s deserved, but there is an element out there who are becoming Media Stars by either jumping on an issue du jour but at the end of the day, seem little more than self-serving, or who are the recipients of Lucky Sperm. Having Fred Wilson blog about you helps as does having Business Insider refer to you as a ‘scenester.’ (Star-Studded Party Photos From The Fabulous Manhattan Home Of The Huffington Post Co-Founder: By request, the raisecache video: In case you don’t know who she is, a couple of years back, Rachel Sklar decided it was time to change the ratio and “promote visibility, access and opportunity for women in tech”. She has mostly succeeded in promoting visibility, access and opportunity for… Rachel Sklar, who quickly became a Media Star. A scenester she is: you’ll often find her at events usually hanging with…the guys.No one expected her to single-handedly change the ratio, but from the feedback we get from women who meet up with her at events, she might at least consider changing the attitude. Just a thought. And when did BI decide to become the Vanity Fair of the tech press? Read More...



Good morning, All,

It’s the holidays, and one of our members turned us on to some free resources for entrepreneurs at our last SOS+EW+ ER ROOTT breakfast. Our next one is January 10th, just for the record, and we do limit the number of attendees, so do sign up early. And who can turn down coffee, tea and – free. Advice, that is. $25 includes breakfast and it’s $30 at the door. To RSVP:

The shot heard round the twitterverse. Last week, Twitter took aim at Facebook and Google+. (Twitter Just Fired A Cannonball At Facebook And Google+: Facebook may have 800+ million members, but Twitter wants all 7 billion on the planet. Heads up, Twitter and note to self: if you’re going to make changes, make sure it’s at least somewhat seamless/easy for your users to take on the world with you, but nooo and of course there was a backlash. Especially from iPhone users, which was good news for third party developers. Tapbots responded by putting Tweetbot, normally $2.99, on sale for a limited time. For your .99 download: Think Twitter will be making another acquisition soon, and just for fun, Five Things You Didn’t Know About Twitter: And one they missed: Library of Congress to collect Twitter data: For a guide to what’s what with the new, new twitter: The New, New Twitter and What It Means to You and Your Business. Leave it to Brian Solis to explain it all for you: Onward and forward. Read More...



Good morning, All,

We’ve got a lot of new members and just to review, here’s how to post to the list: Easy: Go to and follow the ‘Post to the list’ link. You’re free to post what you need, what you can offer, or even if you just have a or two question. And welcome!

It’s true that as of January 1st, you won’t be able to buy 100 watt incandescent light bulbs in the US, so stock up now and as a corollary to last week’s Networking 101, a lot of you are out there networking (we know; we’ve been meeting you!), and hopefully making connections. Here are a few more tips for you: Read More...