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Month: April 2011



Good morning, All, and hope to see you tonight and it’s high time we were together in the same room, so to make sure you’re in the room, RSVP here:

Or just show up! We do have a few things planned for the evening – or just come network, socialize and meet some people:

On Digital Media ( will be there doing videos of your elevator pitches – or whatever you’d like. Want to do a short video for your website/beta launch? Go for it! Just talk to the camera, tell us what you’re doing and the video is yours to have or to submit or post wherever you’d like. Read More...



Good morning, All,

Ok, so many of you commented that we buried the registration link, so, thought we’d make it easy for you this week. Onward and forward:

We always post deadlines, be they incubators, accelerators, StartupWeekends. We’re there for you and why do we do it? Fact: Nearly 70 companies in the New York area received more than $580 million in funding in Q1, according to CrainsNY: And TechStars showcased their incubated companies last week and according to GigaOm et al (TechStars NYC Class Shines at Demo Day: there’s a good chance that all will be funded. Read More...



Good morning, All,

Our first SOS bbq of the season will be on May 3rd (rain date: May 10th), sponsored once again by our friends at Come and have some BBQ, talk to the 1099 people and enjoy the great outdoors in a lovely garden! $15 in advance; $20 at the door. To RSVP:

Our next SOS 1-on-1 with an investor will be in a couple of weeks and we have a direct pipeline to a group of serious angels whose representative will be at the event. Caveat: you must send us your deck in advance. Your startup must be tech-based, and the focus is on startups who have developed product and are looking to get to the next level, which means, you need the money to get there, and they’re not focusing on any particular vertical. Send your deck to and we will pass it to investors’ rep. And looking forward to seeing them! Read More...



Good morning, All,

OK, so Larry Page took over the reigns at Google last week and the story that got the industry up in arms was his announcement that employee bonuses would be tied to GOOG’s success in social (Dear Google: You Can’t Threaten People Into Being Social Did we miss the forest through the trees? Google also announced that they’re planning a $100 million overhaul of YouTube, which will include 20 premium channels (YouTube Recasts for New Viewers Between that and Netflix and Hulu ordering original programming, are we seeing the convergence of the web and the small screen? Or is television simply surrendering the space? Do we care who’s dancing with the stars?  The Firm was rebroadcast, ad nauseam, on Starz last week. The Firm? Really, pay cable? Newsflash: Tom Cruise isn’t even firm anymore! During web 1.0 the matra was: Content Is King. Of course, content was free and the king couldn’t afford the price of admission. How things have changed and who the hell has been making decisions on the broadcast side for the last few years? The bean counters, of course, and television seems to be going the way of the music business, where it was the same scenario. Just our .02, and Eric Hippeau, who just left The HuffPo to return to the VC world, mentioned last night at the Digital Media MBA event that one of his focuses for investment is the video space. Note: he mentioned that first, and he’s not alone, so head’s up, entrepreneurs and remember: both film and televison got their starts in – New York.

The hour doth draw on apace – Deadlines!



Good morning, All,

Ok, so it’s been raining. It’s April! That’s what it’s supposed to do. Still, it’s a good time for startups and here’s what you should be doing:

This week, you can learn more about ER Accelerator ER Accelerator Happy Hour. Come, grab some free beer, network – and meet some ER
Accelerator mentors. And don’t forget: ER Accelerator is now accepting applications for its inaugural June 2011 program: Apply to work with an amazing team of partners, sponsors, interns, resident technologists, resident designers and 150+ mentors including Fred Wilson, Howard Morgan, Esther Dyson, Jeff Stewart, David Pakman, Brian Cohen, John Frankel, Anil Dash and more. Application deadline is April 30th: http// Also, the next Entrepreneurs Roundtable, which will be on April 20th. Guest VC: Esther Dyson, so sign up now: Read More...