Unless you’ve been cut off from all worldly communications, you’ve heard that co-founder and CEO Sam Altman was very unceremoniously booted from OpenAI – and was informed in a Google Meet, despite Microsoft being a major OpenAI investor and partner.
No one seems to know the precise reason why he was terminated. Malfeasance? Was it his reported lack of transparency with the board, which now consists of three independent directors holding no equity, and its Chief Scientist Ilya Sutskever? A coup?
Or something quite different transpiring behind the curtain…
No one wants to say it out loud, but is the latest tech bubble bursting? While the Web 1.0 demise was a result of too much money chasing too much youth and inexperience, this time around it’s different: It’s a result of a different kind of huckster class which has woven itself into the fabric of tech.
And many investors were complicit.
WeWorked It
Yes, he did, ‘he’ being Adam Neumann, the company’s charismatic founder/showman who somehow convinced investors that WeWork was a tech company, and not just another real estate play. Tech startups were drawn to the space, but being able to rent office space using an online system doesn’t make you a tech company. There was WeWork Labs, but it was something of an accelerator by any other name and which other accelerator considers itself a tech company? WeWork’s rapid expansion into new spaces and more cities did grab attention, as they’d almost instantly be 90+% full, it would be announced. Although the play was to rent ten floors, build out three, fill them, and as for the floors that hadn’t been converted? Details! Kick the can down the road and stick to the plan to show hockey stick growth.Read More...
We recently hosted a very successful serial founder and sometime investor at our online Investor Insights, who just launched yet another company – his third. It was fascinating to listen to both his advice – and his history. His first company was quickly acquired by Google, which was ‘clearly’ a win, but careful there, founders: great to be ‘adopted,’ but not all ‘parent’ companies are the same. He served his time, celebrated the day the golden handcuffs came off, and quickly launched his next company, which pivoted a few times, as all companies do, but did find its footing and a sustainable revenue stream. Acquisition offers were proffered and rejected, perhaps since the entrepreneur had been there, done that.
The company is still alive and well and turning a profit to the tune of hundreds of millions a year.