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Category: #GenerativeAI

Software Is Cheating the World

Software Is Cheating the World

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

For some time now, the members of the tech synod have been considered to be the smartest guys in the room. They seem to just know what’s best for the world on all fronts and never mind that there is a difference between science and computer science.

For example, a Mexico-based startup will next week launch sulfur particles into the stratosphere in a “rogue” move to create a “mini-volcano” effect it says could help cool the planet…But experts in geoengineering say the launches set a dangerous precedent for private companies or governments to interfere with the planet’s atmosphere,” MSN reported (Climate change activist goes rogue releasing ‘mini volcanoes’ to cool atmosphere (

Well, consider volcanoes. Massive volcanic eruptions spew billowing clouds of chemicals into the atmosphere and block out the sun, as these ‘scientists’ are attempting to do – which tends to lead to failing crops and starvation. Read More...

AI’s Achilles Heel You Hadn’t Considered

AI’s Achilles Heel You Hadn’t Considered

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

Those of us who work in technology – which is most of us here – can’t help but glom onto or at least test the shiny new thing that comes along. It’s in our DNA. The problem is that tech tends to jump in feet first without realizing the possible consequences, dystopian side, or even fully examining the product.

Apologies if we sound a bit repetitive here, but read on. We do have a point to make, that no one else seems to be considering.

BuzzFeed To Use ChatGPT’s AI For Content Creation, Stock Up 200%+ ( Okay, it’s ‘BuzzFeed’ which is ‘clickbait’ by any other name.  As Forbes further reported, “Investigative reports on The Byte shared that media website CNET was using AI technology, under articles penned by the anonymous “CNET Money Staff”. The AI was created by CNET resources, and only used for a very small number of posts before human oversight detected significant misstatements of factserrors and plagiarized content, according to multiple news sources.” The result: CNET pauses publishing AI-written stories after disclosure controversy. Read More...