How to Prioritizing in the New Normal

Haven’t heard that term in a while, eh, and not like we all have it all figured out.
We had a conversation with a successful serial entrepreneur recently, who began by filling us in on his history:
Started and built his first business: sold it. Started and built another business: acquired. Was about to undertake his next startup when his wife told him that he was going to be a dad for the first time – and not to a singleton.
He shelved the newco idea and turned to successfully consulting to startups.
Much has been said and written about the work/life balance, but what does it really mean? Is it simply about carving out time in a day to get home in time for dinner? Arranging your schedule so that you have time to go to the gym, or indulge in the long-overdue and much-needed massage to help relieve the stress you’ve been carrying as a result of becoming an entrepreneur? Postponing starting that newco to focus on family?
Or d) all the above?
The answer of course is simple (not). It depends on:
Where you are in your life.
What your priorities are.
Who is on your team/who has your back.
Are you and your entire team ready for the unexpected, and it’ll be there. Promise.
The answers might not be as readily apparent as they once were, especially since the landscape has shifted with the ‘New Normal,’ where being in the office five days a week isn’t as necessary in many cases as it once was. Which brings with it problems that might not have been readily apparent.
Example: LastPass says employee’s home computer was hacked and corporate vault taken. Um, that’s how LastPass was hacked this past August: by breaching the home computer of a remote dev ops engineer working for the company. (Wonder if it was the same engineer both times…)
As Oscar Wilde put it: once is an experiment, twice is a perversion. There’s a heads up to those of you who are using the service – and what about your remote employees who are using it as well? Did they get memo? Did you send one? Oops.
As you’re trying to figure out your own work/life balance in the throes of the new normal, consider this: As @steveschlafman tweeted: Observation: scores of people who write about productivity and ambition eventually move on to write about consciousness, healing, transition, self-acceptance and meaning. With enough time and age, they realize that productivity and ambition only take you so far.
What to speak of the fact that, thanks to tech, one is also pretty much available 24/7. How do you create boundaries – and balance that against FOMO?
Each of us has to make those decisions for ourselves and whatever path you take, the key is resilience.
Our place is to illuminate the considerations in this seemingly constantly shifting landscape and hope this helps in bringing some clarification as we go onward and forward – into the breach.