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Tag: #FluSeason

Love – et al – in the Time of the Corona

Love – et al – in the Time of the Corona

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The headline is a reference to a 1985 novel written by Nobel prize winning author Gabriel García Márquez. Namely, Love in the Time of the Cholera.

China did not immediately inform the world that the Corona virus was out there.

We know that the current virus is not the flu, but the two do share certain symptoms, and we will remind you that not every case is a death sentence. Chances are, it started spreading before the city of Wuhan was quarantined, especially given the fact that the US has already seen 21,000 deaths from the ‘flu’ this season – much higher than normal – and million upon millions of instances where people recovered, despite the fact that they were bereft of the magical properties seemingly imbued by hording large amounts of toilet paper. Read More...

A Flea and a Fly and a Flu: Lessons for Entrepreneurs

A Flea and a Fly and a Flu: Lessons for Entrepreneurs

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

FYI: the headline is a reference to a poem by Ogden Nash:

A flea and a fly in a flue
Were imprisoned, so what could they do?
Said the fly, “let us flee!”
“Let us fly!” said the flea.
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

The Wuhan Flu has certainly been consuming the headlines globally and we all know the drill: wash your hands often with soap and water (using hand sanitizers does have consquences) avoid large crowds (is it canceled yet? your list of cancelled large industry events); companies are encouraging employees to cancel non-essential travel; dispense with hand-shaking as a salutatory greeting, hide under your desk and cover your head, in case of a nuclear attack… Read More...