Going Viral in the Age of the New Normal

Going Viral in the Age of the New Normal

Dipping a bit deeply into C-19 points up, given that we’re some sixty-odd days into lockdown, but we do have our reasons – and a point to make.

For 50+ years, the CDC has postulated a theory – based on no science or studies – that if a pandemic hit, a lockdown could eradicate the virus.

While the purported death toll of C-19 has not reached the level of those of either the Spanish or Hong Kong flus, as always, there will be a second wave, but as to the isolation (‘sheltering in place’) to which people have been subjected, rather than being allowed to let nature take its course via herd immunity in the previous cases, these measures will very possibly make the second wave worse, especially in light of the fact that we’ve been instructed to wear face masks, cutting off our supplies of fresh oxygen and instead, leaving us to breathe in the carbon dioxide that our bodies were designed to expel, thus lowering our immune systems. How often have you heard someone say, “I can’t breathe in this mask?” It’s because the body is not taking in enough much-need oxygen.

Are the masks necessary for healthy people? They’re actually counter-intuitive and here’s a must read: Neurosurgeon Says Face Masks Pose Serious Risk to Healthy People, which points out that “until recently, the CDC did not recommend wearing a face mask or covering of any kind, unless a person was known to be infected, that is, until recently. Non-infected people need not wear a mask…The recommendations by the CDC and the WHO are not based on any studies of this virus and have never been used to contain any other virus pandemic or epidemic in history.” In fact, “a drop in oxygen levels (hypoxia) is associated with an impairment in immunity. Studies have shown that hypoxia can inhibit the type of main immune cells used to fight viral infections.”

And worse.

Taken away have been not only our civil liberties, but our oxygen supply as well, and speaking of science, the human body is largely composed of water (50%-65% in adults) – hydrogen and oxygen.

Compounding the problem, we’re been instructed to incessantly wash our hands. Most often, anti-bacterial soaps and hand-sanitizers are used, which kill off our natural, healthy bacteria, which has contributed to the fact that many antibiotics are no longer effective.

Subcutaneous trackers (via inoculations) et al, are being proposed in order to track this virus, whose deadliness has been far overinflated from the start, and note to self, death rates have been highest in nursing homes, where politicians and ‘expert’ state health directors mandated that infected elderly patients ‘shelter in place’ along with our nation’s most vulnerable, even in facilities where the virus had not previously been present. (New York Admits Knowingly Undercounting Nursing Home Deaths After Quietly Changing Reporting Rules).

Who knew? Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Rachel Levine, who had the state governor order Covid positive elderly patients be removed from hospitals and sheltered in nursing homes, along with non-Covid-infected elderly residents, but not before removing her own 95-year-old mother from a nursing home and sheltering her in a hotel.

Most Covid-19 related deaths in Pennsylvania occurred at nursing homes, which was also the case in NY and California.

As a note to entrepreneurs, we’ve attended several online accelerator demo days lately. Unsurprisingly, many of the companies – most of which had entered their respective accelerators prior to Covid-19 consuming the world – had a Covid-19 spin/solution in their presentations.

It’s a hot button: the so-called New Normal version of ‘going viral,’ which is a somewhat less than desirable phrase to use at the moment.

We will remind you that entrepreneurs are not cut from the same cloth as the general population. As Apple’s famous ‘Think Different’ advert pointed out so long ago, they change things. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo.

Although many of us have been relegated as being non-essential.  In what world order? And who made that decision? Entrepreneurs, not politicians, have long been the force that has pushed the human race forward.

We’re all unwittingly and forcibly participating in the CDC’s and WHO’s Great Experiment and all true scientific indicators point to the fact that this will not end well (Stanford University Doctor speaks out, says ‘you are mistaken’ if you believe COVID-19 lockdowns increase safety), unless your mission is global surveillance and control and factor in tech/Bill Gates’ mission to be able to track everyone, globally, in perpetuity. The current members of the tech cabal – Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google – are no longer the rebels, the misfits, the square pegs in the round holes. Us has become Them.

With the possible exception of Elon Musk, who bucked California’s lockdown order, reopening his Tesla facility in Alameda. The South African-born serial entrepreneur “has been using Twitter to attack what he sees as government overreach in keeping businesses shut down as the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown orders continues,” reported Business Insider. Given his penchant for founding companies that focus on big solutions to problems, and with Covid-19 front and center in the minds of the world, the Tesla/SpaceX et al founder recently tweeted, no doubt with respect to the measures forced on the world by so-called experts and world and local leaders:

Take the red pill

Speaking of the Apple ad, rebels always question authority. Never stop asking questions and above all, it really is time to do just that and

Think different.

Onward and forward.


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