Is Mark Zuckerberg About to Say ‘Zuck It’?

Is Mark Zuckerberg About to Say ‘Zuck It’?

pic by giampieroruggieri @pixabay & we do recall when Zuck wore sandals with socks

Short and sweet due to President’s Day Weekend and speaking of the men in charge, think about this:

Jeff Bezos stepped back from the daily grind at Amazon (he’s still Executive Chairman and very much involved, trust us);

Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin retreated from the spotlight at Alphabet/Google long ago.

Given the ongoing problems and the relentless scrutiny by various committees, AGs and governments both in the US and abroad, it’s interesting that Mark Zuckerberg has uttered nary a word publicly of late, especially given the fact that his company has been very much in the spotlight. He might have recently lost a chunk of his fortune but let’s face it, he still has more than enough to support several third world countries. So is Zuckerberg going to take this opportunity of the pivot to Meta to step back from being the face of Facebook?

Not that he’ll disappear completely, mind you, any more than Bill Gates did when he exited Microsoft. He’s too much of a narcissist for that and both are betas males who very much believe in revenge.

It’s not easy being one of the most iconic (in some circles) and reviled people on the planet. It’s merely conjecture on our part, but it will be interesting to see what his next move is as we go onward and forward.

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