Showing their FAANGs
Post 9/11, Americans feared for their collective safety. Two hijacked planes brought down the World Trade Center. Another hit the Pentagon. The fourth was diverted by a handful of passengers who downed it in a field in Pennsylvania rather than risking it hitting its intended target. The result: the Patriot Act (which was quietly renewed while we were being distracted by the ‘impeachment’), an acronym for “Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.” Under the guise of making Americans ‘safer,’ it also infringed on the rights of citizens by giving law enforcement officials permission to collect intelligence on citizens, reducing public accountability; reducing the ability of the public to go to court to challenge a government search; allowing government officials to target citizens not under criminal investigation, and allowing unlawful imprisonment by denying due process.
Now there’s Covid-19 and even more of our freedoms have been eroded in just a few short months. Without a shot being fired, 40% of the world is basically under house arrest/lockdown under the guise of sheltering in place. Tomatoes, tomahtoes.
The tech uberlords have been very quiet lately, and readers have asked us what tech is doing about the pandemic? For one, Google is tracking your cell phone and turning the information on your whereabouts over to the government. All of the investigations of Facebook by no less than 49 Attorney Generals have gone quiet. Nor do we hear about privacy violations being tracked by the EU. Meanwhile, education and work, as well as goods and services are being controlled by the tech platforms and in case you missed it, Apple is donating 10 million protective face masks to help fight the coronavirus pandemic Apple went to their store houses and is donating 9 million N95 masks to healthcare facilities all across the country and to the national stockpile, Business Insider reported.
And exactly why did Apple happen to have 9 million N95 masks just sitting there in their store houses?
Abraham Lincoln said that the best way to predict the future is to create it.
Where is this going? For that answer, one need look no further than Microsoft founder, recent former board member and ‘philanthropist’ Bill Gates, who has been denigrating hydroxychloroquine, which has been used for more than 70 years and is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, according to ZME Science, as an effective treatment for Covid-19. Of course, Gates himself is funding new factories for 7 potential coronavirus vaccines, even though it will waste billions of dollars, said Business Insider.
Gates is also purporting that Coronavirus Means We Need ‘Digital Certificates’ To Prove Who Received Vaccine. Huh??? “While Gates has not elaborated on what his plan entails, or whether a digital certificate will be implanted in the human body…Gates also called for a “national tracking system,” saying that “in Seattle, the [University of Washington] is providing thousands of tests per day but no one is connected to a national tracking system” and that “Whenever there is a positive test it should be seen to understand where the disease is and whether we need to strengthen the social distancing.“
“According to Gates, people shouldn’t be concerned about “big brother” invading our privacy and tracking us and our children – this technology will only be used for safety and convenience, he says – and the technology is nothing more than an upgrade on traditional cattle branding.”
Nothing to see here? Why does everyone on the planet need to be branded, what will be included in those digital ‘certificates,’ will they be subcutaneous – and required – and who will have access to the information and how do they plan on using it? What and where are the safeguards?
The ID2020 movement is not new – The ID2020 Alliance says that they are an organization dedicated to helping ensure that everyone is able to prove who they are (with their digital identity) so that they can be assured of “access to vital rights and services”. According to The Internet Patrol (Microsoft and Others Create ID2020 Alliance to Force Digital ID on All – Perhaps by Vaccine, “Microsoft has teamed up with, among others, vaccine alliance Gavi to create and force a universal digital identification on everyone, “from birth to death.”
For the record, Gavi (Global Fund for Children’s Vaccines) was founded by the Gates Foundation.
Coronavirus COVID-19: Public Health Apocalypse or Panic and Anti-American?, asked AAPS (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons), and this is a must-read. “Coronaviruses have been known in the United States since their discovery over 50 years ago,” the AAPS reported. “Certain strains of these viruses infect humans, while some tend to infect animals. It has been shown that these viruses have the ability to jump from animals to humans and vice versa. These viruses rarely cause death in humans; they are often cited as the cause of common colds. COVID-19 is for the most part acting in the same way but with a notable exception – it can be deadly in elderly and the immunocompromised. It hits these populations fast and hard. Nonetheless, even in Italy, where the virus has killed thousands, most of those (78.3%) over the age of 90 recovered…The only way to effectively combat the disease from a practical standpoint (other than herd immunity) is to shield those at high risk until the virus has run its course.”
People have been acclimated to their loss of privacy for quite some time now, and continue to use Google, Facebook et al products despite the fact that they know that the platforms are hoovering up all of their information, personal and otherwise. Cash has given way to payments by phone apps, which further erode one’s privacy and freedom. How often have we heard, when we encourage people to use, say, DuckDuckGo rather than Google for search, ‘what’s the difference? They already know everything about me. What else can they do?’
We’re currently hearing about people being triaged in terms of who gets treatment and who doesn’t, based on age. While L.A. Mayor Wants ‘Snitches’ to Rat Out Their Neighbors… All for a ‘Reward’, of course. Just like China.
And Nazi Germany.
As Adam Townsend tweeted:
Google search is sanitizing criticism of WHO
And YouTube is removing videos that raise any questions about Covid-19 in record time.
In a dystopian world, where we may well be heading as a result of all of this, who knows what the consequences of offences like these would be, and precisely who decides.
And that should really be getting under your skin. Onward and forward.