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Tech and the Weather: Storm Clouds Ahead?

Tech and the Weather: Storm Clouds Ahead?

Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

The weather in parts of the country and the world has been extreme lately, to put it mildly, and the sector – tech – that brought you such breakthroughs as emojis and planet-saving lab-grown meats, are turning their focus to the weather itself, although note to self re lab-grown meats, “The claim that the process reduced CO2 emissions over conventional livestock farming has been comprehensively demolished: one estimate is that it increases emissions by between four times and 25 times as much as reared meat. The animal, of course, can perform its own exercise by itself, for free, while the nutrients it requires are either free or cheap. It also enhances the land on which it grazes. Producing the product requires far more energy than leaving, say, a bovine in the field to produce the same all-natural result,” MSN reported. “The alternative proteins bubble has burst.”

So next up: the weather and this just in: “A growing number of Silicon Valley founders and investors are backing research into blocking the sun by spraying reflective particles high in the atmosphere or making clouds brighter. The goal is to quickly cool the planet,” Bloomberg reported…”Reflecting sunlight to cool the planet — known as solar radiation management (SRM) — could come with dangerous consequences such as shifting rainfall patterns and changing the prevalence of diseases like malaria, to say nothing of the potential geopolitical chaos. Those risks have scientists urging caution and governments slowly working to build policies. But the tech world has rarely shied away from testing a new product and figuring out the bugs later, and prominent philanthropists are dedicating more money than ever to these radical ideas.”

“Flubbed climate test won’t deter rich donors from altering the sky,” Politico chimed in. “They funded a failed experiment to block the sun. They plan to try again.” Read More...

The Odd Timing of the CrowdStrike ‘Error’

The Odd Timing of the CrowdStrike ‘Error’

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

“In what will go down as the most spectacular IT failure the world has ever seen, a botched software update from cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike Holdings Inc. crashed countless Microsoft Windows computer systems around the world on Friday,” Yahoo!finance (and all other publications on the planet) reported. “The catastrophic failure underscores an increasingly dire threat to global supply chains: The IT systems of some of the world’s biggest and most critical industries have grown heavily dependent on a handful of relatively obscure software vendors, which are now emerging as single points of failure.

Total recovery from CloudStrike failure ‘could take weeks’ amid more flight delays, said The Independent.

Those are the facts. And then there’s CrowdStrike itself, emerging again as a problem in yet another election year, and if ever there was a company appropriately named… Read More...

Why the Food Hipsters Are Pissing Me Off

Why the Food Hipsters Are Pissing Me Off

Image by Ross Cains from Pixabay

Disclaimer: we know that the information here applies to none of our readers, and is not to be taken personally.


Here’s the thing about hipsters: they want to be different, re non-conformist, so they adopt a unique way of dressing. Of course, those accouterments then become the hipster uniform, and so much for non-conformity. Read More...

Social versus Real Life: Where’s the Balance?

Social versus Real Life: Where’s the Balance?

The reports are in. People are leaving Facebook, and/or spending less time on the platform. It seems that for all of Mark Zuckerberg’s claims that Facebook’s intention is to bring the world closer together, people may well be finding each other online, but it seems that they aren’t necessarily liking what they find.

Or that the online experience simply isn’t enough.

We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters. So who are these characters???

We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters. So who are these characters???

Peter Thiel, Photo: Wikipedia

It was Peter Thiel who said it, as we all know, and now it seems that at long last, we may well be on the verge of seeing flying cars. Or at least driverless hover-taxis will be taking off next year in Singapore. That could be a start. When we saw this article, we were reminded of Thiel’s quote and since we’re approaching the year’s end, when people and publications typically do their wrap-up “Best ofs,” “Worst ofs,” or “Top Ten Something or Others” lists, we decided that instead, it’s about time that someone attempted to identify those 140 characters that we’ve heard mentioned all this time.

Since we’ve personally been in the industry since the early days of Web 1.0 in New York and spent a considerable amount of time in Silicon Valley as well, we’ve decided to take it upon ourselves to do just that. Over the years, we’ve seen people and companies come and go. Some were bad timing. Many were simply bad ideas. Some were acquired for unbelievable amounts of money, only to disappear forever, leaving the then suddenly wealthy founders looking like geniuses. It was the Wild West, all right, and for the most part, a matter of too much money being thrown at too much youth and inexperience in those heady days of Web 1.0.

Some were true innovators who created platforms and software and devices that forged an entirely new industry. You may not be familiar with their names, but their contributions should never be forgotten. Read More...