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Tag: #KodamaSystems

And the Winner of this Year’s Darwin Awards of Tech is…

And the Winner of this Year’s Darwin Awards of Tech is…

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

It’s time to offer something of a Darwin Award for Tech, which we will call the SOSy Awards – for SOS, of course, bestowed on people who are so off base in their pursuits, they clearly need help. Or a serious intervention, at the very least.  Our suggestion for this inaugural winner is none other than everyone’s favorite doctor, even though he has no medical degree, received a C+ in organic chemistry, and is a college dropout…

Bill Gates!

We’ve chosen Gates as the premier recipient for many reasons, not the least of which is his latest foray into pseudoscience: Bill Gates Funds Plan to Chop Down, Bury Millions of Trees in the of climate change, of course. You know, those things that convert carbon into oxygen, which are necessary for carbon-based species such as people to survive.

MIT Technology Review reported that Kodama Systems had raised around $6.6 million, a hefty sum, from Breakthrough Energy Ventures, billionaire Bill Gates’s climate fund. Trees will be cut down in California and buried in Nevada for this “stealth effort,” which Kodama characterizes as “biomass burial,” PJ Media reported. Read More...