Good morning, All,
Ok, so first came the announcement that Larry Page was stepping in as CEO of Google come April (http://read.bi/hQGNRe), and the announcement was all over twitter, pretty much to the exclusion of all else but our favorite was tweet from Eric Schmidt himself: “Day-to-day adult supervision no longer needed!”
Next came the Crunchies and Twitter won for Best Overall Product or Startup, and for being anindispensable part of social communication and a key ingredient in the fabric of the web.
Best for last: Just want to call attention to a new feature at Startup One Stop: live tweets. Our friends at Movable Ink are powering the section below. This email will update with the latest tweets from SOSlist throughout the day. We’ll use it to call attention to breaking news, new events, and things we simply find interesting. Try it out by re-opening this email tomorrow. Warning: we like to tweet ‘em as we see ‘em, but we’ll do our best to keep those tweets coming in.
Also, our congrats to Brad and Matt for getting General Assembly officially going: General Assembly Aims to Gather New York Techies http://nyti.ms/dGWlHi. Cool space and hope to do an event there soon!
Deadlines coming up:
NYC BigApps Competition – January 26 is the deadline for entry
The NYC BigApps Competition will reward the developers of the most creative, best implemented, and impactful applications for delivering information from the City of New York’s NYC.gov Data Mine to interested users. Software developers will compete for $20,000 in cash, wide exposure for their work, and a meeting with the Mayor. Submissions may be any kind of software application, be it for the web, a personal computer, a mobile handheld device, SMS, or any software platform broadly available to the public. For more information and to enter: http://nycbigapps.com/challenges/81/
TechStars #Boston now accepting applications for class of Spring 2011 http://www.TechStars.org/schedule. Deadline for all applications is January 31.
The $15,000 Gwallet Old Navy Developers Challenge: This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for developers to show off their games and creative talents with the possibility of winning money and fame. Developers must register by January 31 on the gWallet website to confirm they want to participate. Starting February 1, developers have nine days to create an integration mockup and submit it to gWallet. gWallet and Old Navy will select the three best developers to launch their integrations live within their game (targeted only to U.S. users), starting on February 18 and running for two weeks. Later in March these developers will distribute an Old Navy offer that rewards users with virtual currency, thereby driving revenue for the developers’ businesses.
At the event: with approximately 200 attendees including game developers, conference goers, advertisers, press, etc. in San Francisco during the week of GDC, these three developers will demonstrate their brand integrations and user metrics. A panel of judges will determine the grand prize winner and present that person or company with a $15,000 check. For more information: http://bit.ly/ikiRDo To enter: http://bit.ly/fDSUdP
Registration is open for Social Media Week cities all across the world. In total there are nine cities participating in Social Media Week (Feb 7-11) including New York, London, Paris, Rome, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Toronto, San Francisco and Sao Paulo. To register, simply visit socialmediaweek.org, pick a city and click on schedule. Please note that more events will be added over the coming weeks.
Ok, since last week was that kind of week, the pieces we’d like to call to your attention:
The 48 Laws of Power If you’re too busy to read Sun Tsu (The Art of War), a lot of good stuff in here, including #1 on the list (and speaking of the doings at Google last week): Never Outshine the Master. http://bit.ly/clwHMQ
Right up there with the above – and just for fun: Always Pay Your Web Developers: http://bit.ly/fwsgrT
What Are The Questions Entrepreneurs Should Be Asking VCs. Takes two to tango, and you’d better make sure you have the right dance partner, so Roger lays some of the groundwork. So to speak. http://bit.ly/g1HEIM
Ten Life Lessons We Can Learn From Our Pets. Variations on a theme, and remember: They’ve all found some dumb human who’ll cater to their every need: http://bit.ly/fuoWTh
Since it is a twitter kind of week: Four Tools to Better Time Your Twitter Updates: http://bit.ly/gpEVPU
Seven work habits of effective entrepreneurs, including shorter meetings, more computer screens, and our favorite: just say no. http://bit.ly/hx8ntb
Finally, mark your calendars: the next Find-A-Cofounder will be in late February. Details next week. And we leave you, not with a chuckle this time, but with a fascinating little ditty – the history of the alphabet: http://i.imgur.com/CCNSs.gif And with that, yes, help is on the way…