Time to Stop and Smell the Absurdities

It was something of a travel week for us, and a good time to at long last look at articles in the ‘save for later’ pile, which we did: stopped to smell the absurdities.
Incandescent lightbulbs were outlawed recently in favor of the longer lasting and supposedly more climate friendly LED bulbs, but according to greenmatters, LED Bulbs May Not Be as Great as We Thought — Studies Show Health and Environmental Risks, reporting that “Per a recent study published in the journal Science Advances, researchers from the University of Exeter have noted various health and environmental risks that come with LED lights. According to The Guardian, LED bulbs are becoming increasingly more common, and even though they are more energy efficient, they emit more blue light radiation”…which is harmful to human health and the environment.
What to speak of the fact that they arguably create more of an environmental hazard when it comes to their disposal.
We do suppose that there’s something to be said for 360 degree thinking, but the current environment, from all indications, seems to indicate that it’s overrated. Move fast and break things, right? Might want to rethink that one, clean energy founders.
While solar panels are being hailed as a replacement for natural gas to reduce the carbon footprint, Holy smoke and mirrors: Solar panels THREE TIMES more carbon intensive than natgas? “People say solar panels don’t produce carbon emissions, but they do. And now, a major new investigation by Environmental Progress, drawing on the research of @enricomariutti, finds that solar panels made in China produce at least 3x more carbon emissions than IPCC claims, Michael Shellenberger tweeted.
And most solar panels are being purchased from China as they’re cheaper, but 360 degree thinking –cost effective at what price?
We will also remind you that while forests are often destroyed to make way for solar farm, Biden administration to invest $1.2 billion in projects to suck carbon out of the air, but as The Verge reported, “Controversial carbon removal technology just got $1.2 billion from the Biden administration The Department of Energy is spending billions on ‘hubs’ for climate technologies that take CO2 out of the air, and fossil fuel companies are getting some of the money.”
The forest through the trees, and pun absolutely intended here: there already is a mechanism available for sucking carbon out of the air. They’re called ‘trees,’ not unlike the ones that are being cut down to make room for solar farms.
As to why electric cars aren’t selling, Ford’s CEO had a charging ‘reality check’ on his electric F-150 Lightning road trip, Yahoo!news reported. “The Ford CEO, however, had to use a low-speed charger that he said delivered him a 40% charge in about 40 minutes.”
And not exactly a glut of charging stations available, either.
360 degree thinking – what a concept!
Lately, gas stoves have been demonized and legislation requires that electric stoves be installed in all new construction. But Not Just Gas Stoves: Biden Admin Rule Would Outlaw Nearly All Portable Gas Generators. As the article noted, “Crackdown comes as country faces increased risk of power outages.”
So, what’s going on? Never mind that the electric grid is already overburdered and US Power Grid Faces ‘Alarming’ Threat From Chinese Hackers, Expert Warns Lawmakers. Were we a conspiracy theorist, we might note that all these electric ‘improvements’ are microchipped – and trackable. We personally feel that if the government wants access to and control – literally – over what’s in our kitchen, they’d better plan on cooking our dinner every night.
Biometrics collection is certainly growing. There’s Sam Altman’s Worldcoin Orb, which we covered just last week, and in case you missed it, Amazon to launch pay-by-palm technology at all Whole Foods stores by year-end. What to speak of the fact that Gates Foundation Pushes National Digital ID Tech. Talk about invasion of privacy, welcome to the next level of surveillance.
There’s no doubt that regulations from the so-called (and self-identifying) elites is becoming increasingly invasive, and as @HallofFameMemes tweeted, showing a clip from the World Economic Forum gathering where one of the speakers observed, “The good news is the Elite trust each other and can come together and do beautiful things together. The bad news is that in every country they polled, the majority of people trusted their elite less.”
Considering that WEF founder Klaus Schwab himself said that “You’ll own nothing” — And “you’ll be happy about it,” can’t image why there’s no trust.
Especially since, as @DrEliDavid noted, “Taylor is concerned about climate change. Her private jet emits more carbon in a single trip than your car in your entire lifetime (and that jet flew more than 200 times last year), but it’s your car that’s causing climate change.”
Guess not everyone will own nothing…
Thank you for indulging us this week in what we consider an entertaining little exercise in we like to call ‘doing the math.’ You do have to wonder, all things considered, why there is such a seemingly singular focus on putting us all on the grid.
Which is an amping up of a further invasion into our personal lives that’s, IOHO, is already off the charts. Onward and forward.