

Good morning, All, and yes, it’s in private beta and in case you’ve been under a rock or heads down – heaven forfend! – hard at work on your own startup, it’s the connections engine that’s charting the social media landscape and is being written up everywhere – based right here in NYC. http://www.observer.com/2010/media/why-21-year-old-kid-most-powerful-networker-silicon-alley. The official launch is November 1, but if you want an invite or a hookup, email hello@startuponestop.com. Happy to oblige.

Want to attend New York Entrepreneur Week for free? Founders Block is launching a video contest for you to share your entrepreneurial story. Tell us “What is an Entrepreneur?” in 60 seconds or less and you can win a complimentary conference pass, valued at $874.12. Winner is chosen on October 25th. Click here for entry details. Winner is determined by public voting – and frankly, sounds like good fun all around!

Want to attend ‘Find-A-Cofounder 3’ for free? Well, you should have taken a few computer sciences courses. If you did and you are a developer, you get in for free! As it is extremely important for ventures to have an experienced technical Co-Founder, can we do ask that you please forward your resume for to findacofounder@gmail.com. Once it has been reviewed, you will receive a confirmation email of your complimentary ticket. ‘Find A Co-Founder3’ is next week – Tuesday, October 19, and over 50 developers have already registered! Our VC/entrepreneur panel will featureSilicon Valley VC Vishal Shah with GGV Capital, who recently relocated to NYC and has a different take on what investors look for. We’ll also have serial entrepreneurs Joe Chin (sourcepad.com, Guidester – now Searchandise Commerce – et al) and Beth Schoenfeldt (co-founder, Collective-e and Ladies Who Launch). Next up: a speed-dating session to make it easier for you to partner up. And our thanks to HodgsonRuss for sponsoring. To register: http://fac3.eventbrite.com.

In case you’re thinking about starting a startup and don’t know where to start, this piece we found “On building awesome business applications” might give you a bit of inspiration: http://bit.ly/ccxzfl – and hope to see you Tuesday evening!

Need more inspiration? Tomorrow is the TEDxGotham: inaugural event. Registration opens at noon, and the program runs from 1 pm – 6.30 at Cooper Union Great Hall, 51 Astor Place. This inaugural event- “Collaborate, Experiment, Inspire”, will examine new models of collaboration that are building communities, businesses, and a better world. Come hear how the New York community, through its willingness to experiment and stumble, is coming together to inspire a new wave of innovation in design, social media, architecture, government, science and education in New York City. See some of the talks you’ll hear below and view our great lineup of speakers for the event. RSVP: tedxgotham.org/events/

Finally, you guessed it: help is on the way…

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