

Good morning, All, and hope you enjoyed your Columbus Day.

Speaking of discoveries, this blog will give you 36 places where you can submit your startup for reviews, mentions or at least some backlinks: http://bit.ly/9sIbTB Our thanks to Perks Consulting (http://bit.ly/ayGKZj) for bringing it to our attention.

‘Find A Co-Founder3′ is next week – Tuesday, October 19, and over 50 developers have already registered! Vinod Khosla said at TechCrunch Disrupt that the single most important fact about doing a startup is being clear about your vision and not letting it get distorted by what pundits and experts tell you. “But the second most important thing is finding the right team.” And here’s your chance! The good news is: over 50 developers have already signed up to be there. Our VC/entrepreneur panel will feature Silicon Valley VC Vishal Shah with GGV Capital, who recently relocated to NYC and has a different take on what investors look for. We’ll also have serial entrepreneurs Joe Chin (sourcepad.com, Guidester -now Searchandise Commerce – et al) and Beth Schoenfeldt (co-founder, Collective-e and Ladies Who Launch). Next up: a speed-dating session to make it easier for you to partner up. Note to developers: As it is extremely important for ventures to have an experienced Technical Co-Founder, can you please forward resumes for review to findacofounder@gmail.com. Once your resume has been received and reviewed, you will receive a confirmation email of your complimentary ticket to ‘Find a Co-Founder 3.’ If you decide to attend as a regular participant, please go to http://fac3.eventbrite.com To register for the early bird rate: http://fac3.eventbrite.com.

This week, mobile marketing goes cross media. With ever-smarter portable devices, the line is blurring as to what is Mobile and what is Online. By 2013 more then 50% of web usage will occur via Mobile. 

This event will answer critical questions that are key to your converged future. 
Hear from 30+ experts from leading companies including iCrossing, Insight Express, Google, MTV, Strawberry Frog and Tweetdeck as they cover major issues. For more information and to RSVP: http://www.mediacrossmedia.com SOS 20% discount code: MXMVIPBH

This is also the last week for early-bird discount tickets to New York Entrepreneur Week (November 8-12) and we have a 66% off discount code. With over 25,000 innovators in our community, New York Entrepreneur Week (NYEW) is the premier movement dedicated to promoting a single belief: entrepreneurs change the world. With over 100 speakers from 40 cities, 15 states and 3 continents, NYEW unites the state’s diverse entrepreneurial community, giving you the opportunity to connect with and learn from New York’s best and brightest entrepreneurs who are relentless, driven and dedicated to improving your business and the economy. For more information and to register: http://www.nyew.org/ SOS discount code: SOS345

Finally, we need 30 seconds of your time for an incubator survey: http://bit.ly/94ppL5, and thank you! Ok, we need more than 30 seconds. Up next: we have queries and for those of you who posted, help is on the way…

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