Good morning, All and apologies. This time we checked it and the link is working. For those of you in the back row who might have missed it the first time, New York Entrepreneur week is coming in April 12-16 and SOS members can register – at a discount – at: http://www.nyew.org/index.php/event/agenda-schedule/ Code: sos2010
While we’re on the subject the Bootstrapper Summit is April 1. BSS is an intimate, early stage event bringing together some of the best and most exciting startups and the top investors. Investors representing over $5B in capital are expected to attend BSS IV. And speaking of some of the best and most exciting startups – SOS member companies are invited to apply to present at the Summit and one company from our community will be selected to participate. Full disclosure: the company selected will still need to purchase a (discounted) ticket to attend ($295). Companies can apply at www.BootstrapperSummit.com and make sure to mention that you are a StartupOneStop member. BSS is by application only; is only open to approved entrepreneurs and investors; and welcomes angel investors, venture funds as well as private equity & hedge funds. For details and registration, go to bootstrappersummit.com
Lastly, Job Generation (one of the posts below) is March 18 and the first 10 SOS members who register get in free. RSVP to SOS@ibreakfast.com. All others who respond get a special 30% SOS discount.
And now, (more) help is on the way…