Good morning, All, and a heads up on a few things this week…
And/or in the coming weeks.
Chris Dixon is the guest VC at the Entrepreneurs Roundtable this week – April 26. Chris is Founder Partner at Founders Collective and Co-founder of Hunch.com and if you’d like to apply to pitch, or attend (it’s free), the information is in Murat’s post below, so read on…
Also this week, as we’re sure most of you are aware, is the 140 Character conference and the Entrepreneurs Conference at the Stern Business School at NYC. The EC is free and more information at: http://www.0260nyc.com/index.html
But wait, there’s more! Job Generation is coming up on May 4th and we also need investors/VC’s (and I know you guys are out there on this list) to critique the startups who will be pitching. So, if you’re interested in participating, email us at hello@startuponestop.com. And the entrepreneurs are welcome to come pitch your startups as well. Hey, we’re bringing this community together. It’s a good thing!
I know this is an industry that LOVES to hold conferences, and there have been quite a few of them lately – not to mention the number of new lists that tell you were all the conferences are and I suppose, where you should be. Think things are heating up or is it that the change in the weather is bringing everyone out again? Then again, it does give us a chance to grow our twitter, linkedin and facebook lists and check in at foursquare, and card scanning has become so, well, 90’s anyway.
But we do hope you’re taking some time out of your busy days because it’s that time again, and yes, help is on the way…