Good morning, All, and yes, we’re sponsoring and passing along a bit of the largesse. First three people to respond get a free pass. It starts this evening and the link to register is in the post below, so email us now (hello@startuponestop.com) but if we haven’t responded within 10 minutes, assume they’re taken and we still hope to see you there!
Also, Job Generation is coming next week and if you’re a startup who’d like to present, again, email us and don’t forget – it is a unique way of getting your startup in front of potential investors. And get some great feedback as well. More info about the event is in the post below. We have quite a few new startups on the list this week, and you all should go to the link and think about presenting. Do us proud!
I know we usually have more to say, but between peeling off the moss that’s gathered from all the rains that just hit NYC and well, allergy problems, we’re keeping it short and pithy. Relish the silence while it’s here and in the meantime, help is on the way…
Join us on linkedin: StartupOneStop