Good morning, All, and our thanks to Howard Greenstein for his wonderful StartupOneStop piece in inc. (http://bit.ly/9jcPWD). So, of course we now have a lot of new members – some of whom have already sent us posts – and two things:
1. Welcome!
2. We’re always happy to help!
You might not see your posts immediately – we don’t like to overwhelm the list – but they’ll be there. As long as it’s a legitimate request and if you want to promote what you’re doing, elevator pitches are allowed – and investors on the list want to hear about what you’re doing, so don’t be shy. Also, your feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
Yes, we do know that the Mail Chimp had a wardrobe malfunction last week and members on PCs didn’t get the requests, so we will repeat them and non-PC users, now you know why. We do try to accommodate. There are new posts as well, so don’t miss them!
Since this is the biggest vacation week of the year, there aren’t a lot of events this week, so we’re mostly including the NYC events. If you’re looking for events in a city near you, do check garysguide.org. We’re also flagging a couple of events coming up in the very near future so that you can mark your calendars now. Hope to see you soon, in person or on the list, and in the meantime, help is on the way…