SOS Breakfast with an Invest
Good morning, All,
First off, ur next SOS Breakfast with an Investor will be September 18th – it’s a Thursday this time, and our guest investor will be the one and only Jeanne Sullivan, who’s back from her world travels and making one of her first appearance since her return, at our breakfast. Register here and hope to see you there!
Last week, celebrities were hacked and nude photos were posted online and shared, it seems (that link is not to the photos, in case you were wondering and hadn’t yet checked). Ok, you’re a celebrity. You probably know very little about technology, or rather, to use an analogy and to quote the late Joan Rivers, ‘Grandchildren can be so f—ing annoying. How many times can you go, ‘And the cow goes moo and the pig goes oink’? It’s like talking to a supermodel.” Not generally the sharpest tools in the shed, and while Apple can certainly share part of the blame for its lax iCloud security, most people use weak passwords.
Still, tech companies and any company asking users/customers to turn over sensitive information – like credit card numbers – do have an obligation to provide security. (In case you missed it, Home Depot just experienced a credit card breach that may rival or exceed last fall’s Target fiasco.) The problem is that the online crowd has short memories. After the breach, Apple denied that the problem came from their side, and finally somewhat fessed up and announced that they were at least planning on addressing the problem for the safety of all iCloud users.
Of course, the new iPhone(s) et al are coming today, so security breaches are yesterday’s news. Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it and thank you once again, George Santayana.
Since this week is the anniversary of 9/11 – hence the subject line, for those of us who remember our Roman numerals – our focus is on security and let’s not forget that it isn’t only the hackers who are listening in these days, so while we’re neither a security expert nor do we play one on television (and have no nude personal photos, online or otherwise), a few simple security precautions that you can do at home. Besides securing your password, having two-factor authentication (which supposedly the new iWatch will have) and/or changing your password every six months. Do it when we ‘Fall back’ or ‘Spring forward.’
We do know that certain sites/companies out there can listen in via the microphones on our computers or phones. Old school, but you can block it by inserting the headphone jack (cheap ones – but it must be 4 pins), into the computer (cut the cord and seal it with electrical tape). It’ll block the microphone and mute the computer. As for the camera, which can also be remotely enabled: put a rubber band around your laptop to cover the camera. Remember: that camera is front-facing. What you’re doing is no one’s business. If you’re worried about your iPad, do the same. Simple, but effective, in case you’re worried and if any security people on the list have other suggestions, let us know. We’re happy to share.
Security breaches are not new, nor rare in the wonderful world of online. If anything, they’re becoming more prevalent, and the response on the side of companies who’ve failed to provide security is often denial. Until the facts become blatantly obvious, and then the company announces that they plan to provide improved security. So much for the best and the brightest – and moving the human race forward. As we said, yesterday’s news as we wait with bated breath for Tim Cook to take to the stage to present Apple’s shiny new things.
And the cow goes moo and the pig goes oink and security is not something that can be overlooked any longer, as we move into a world of more and more connectivity, and more and more connected devices. It seems that when all is said and done, it’s like talking to a supermodel. Onward and forward.