The Things We Think and Do Not Say
This past week, not unlike Jerry Maguire, Mark Zuckerberg issued a mission statement, with some 5700 words on the goals of Facebook. To refresh your memory, there has been some speculation of late as to whether or not the Facebook founder is preparing a presidential run, presumably in 2024, but now it seems, he has decided that, instead, he wants to rule the world. According to Mashable, with his manifesto, Mark Zuckerberg just said he wants Facebook to save the world. Same difference.
Facebook has certainly been under the microscope lately. Between the so-called fake news (we say ‘so-called,’ as while Macedonian teenagers might have posted misinformation, news sources that don’t necessarily follow lock-step with the world view of the Silicon Valley/global elite were also conveniently lumped into this category and even the ethics of Facebook’s chosen outside fact-checkers are called into question) and streaming suicides, murders and gang rapes, Facebook has become a veritable online Roman Coliseum.
As Zuckerberg discusses the evolution of peoples from tribes to cities to nations, he’s no doubt considering that that’s the progression of Facebook as well, which is in parallel to the global community that Silicon Valley would like to see, with national boundaries as a leftover of a bygone or disappearing era, and isn’t Facebook, after all, a global community without boundaries? The social network does not suffer under the inconvenience of national barriers.
We’ve been warned about the dangers of AI again and again, and yet that’s Zuckerberg’s go-to solution for solving the world’s – and Facebook’s immediate and long-term – problems. As Zuckerberg assures us, he/Facebook will be more cognizant of the fact that, given the violence and ‘fake news’ feeds that appear on the platform, they will be incorporating AI more and more, now and in future, to correct some of those problems, and as he said at the onset, he sees Facebook as the “infrastructure” that will help solve some of the world’s biggest problems.
“Right now, we’re starting to explore ways to use AI to tell the difference between news stories about terrorism and actual terrorist propaganda so we can quickly remove anyone trying to use our services to recruit for a terrorist organization,” he wrote, according to Vessel News.
“That sounds like a straightforward enough application of AI — one that’s in line with what Zuckerberg and other executives have discussed in the past — but it’s different from what the CEO had originally written,” the publication continues.
“In an earlier version of the missive, which was shared with a number of news outlets in advance of its publication on Facebook, Zuckerberg took the idea farther. The “long-term promise of AI,” he wrote, is that it can be used to “identify risks that nobody would have flagged at all, including terrorists planning attacks using private channels.”
Here’s an expanded version of the quote from the Associated Press: “The long term promise of AI is that in addition to identifying risks more quickly and accurately than would have already happened, it may also identify risks that nobody would have flagged at all — including terrorists planning attacks using private channels, people bullying someone too afraid to report it themselves, and other issues both local and global. It will take many years to develop these systems.
In other words, Zuck Caught Removing Line About Monitoring Private Messages From Manifesto – which isn’t to say that he’s not doing it, and may well be planning on expanding that capability, for all we know. He may mention some far off future date, but we know that there’s really no such thing. Not in Internet time, and the film Minority Report does come to mind.
In a global world without borders, which is the true dream and mission of the globalists, of which Zuckerberg is one, the only walled gardens/borders that will be left in their utopian vision are the Facebooks of the world, who count as their numbers the largest aggregated populations on the planet and no doubt see themselves as the future online nations. Citing but not crediting Bill Gates (from his 1996 book, The Road Ahead) says Zuckerberg, “I am reminded of my favorite saying about technology: “We always overestimate what we can do in two years, and we underestimate what we can do in ten years.” We believe he is only too aware, and as a caveat to the world, this from a man who, as history has showed us, is on his own mission, who has little respect for borders, and whose personal ambition knows no boundaries. Onward and forward.